NTHU Equipment Rental Guidelines for Student Clubs


NTHU Equipment Rental Guidelines for Student Clubs



作業內容 Reservation Procedure






Equipment Rental

1.    社團或其它單位於活動辦理前一週攜帶社章至課外組填寫器材借用申請單,遇假日可提前填寫。
A student club or other unit should bring its seal to the Division of Student Activities (DSA) and fill out an application for equipment rental one week before the date of the event, or earlier if that day falls on a holiday. 
2.    社團或其它單位辦理活動當天(遇假期提前一日)向課外組器材管理人員借用器材,確認器材堪用與否。
The student club or other unit should pick up the reserved equipment from the DSA equipment manager on the day of the event (or on the previous working day if on a weekend or holiday), verify that the equipment is functioning properly.
3.    活動期間使用。
The club or group uses the equipment only during the period of the activity.
4.    活動辦理後隔日歸還器材(遇假日順延一日),經器材管理人員檢查數量及有無損壞。器材如有損壞或遺失,請照價賠償借用器材。
The equipment should be returned the day after the activity concludes (if on a weekend, on the next weekday). The equipment manager will verify the correct quantity and condition of the equipment. If the equipment is damaged or lost, the market price of the equipment must to be paid for compensation.


Equipment Rental Form

Guidelines for Management of Equipment Controlled by the National Tsing Hua University Division of Student Activities