The return time for DSA venue keys and equipment has been extended from 10 am to 10:30 am.

Effective from November 9, 2023, we are implementing a change in the return time for DSA venue keys and equipment to better accommodate students with classes during the first and second periods. We wish to inform you of the following adjustment:


New Return Time: The return time for DSA venue keys and equipment has been extended from 10:00 am to 10:30 am.

Please take note of this updated return time. It is essential to adhere to this schedule to ensure the smooth functioning of our operations.


Overdue Policy: Returning the venue keys and equipment after 10:30 am will be considered overdue. To maintain accountability, any overdue return will result in a penalty of 10 hours school service.


Your understanding and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated. These changes are designed to better accommodate the needs of all our members.


Division of Student Activities

November 9, 2023