
2020 Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders-United Nations 2020⻘年領袖和平峰會(2020/2/5-2/7);9/23下午五點截止收件

2020 Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders-United Nations 2020年領袖和平峰會


Organizer: Humanitarian Affairs


We would like to invite outstanding young leaders to represent your prestigious institution of higher learning at the 2020 Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand from February 5 to 7, 2020.

“Education is, quite simply, peace building by another name.”

Kofi Annan, Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations. Co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Founder of Kofi Annan Foundation.

Who Are We?

The mission of Humanitarian Affairs is to empower young people and inspire youth who are passionate about positive social change. We aim to equip young emerging leaders with the right skills and tools to spark a generation of dynamic individuals paving the way for social change.

Humanitarian Affairs is affiliated to United Nations Global Compact, World Association of Non-Governmental Organization, International Association for Voluntary Efforts and the World Alliance for Citizens Participation. 

The 2020 Peace Summit

Humanitarian Affairs Asia is organizing the 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders. The summit aims to gather young leaders from different parts of the world to give them a new perspective and a broader understanding on peace building.

The summit features keynote speakers, networking sessions and interactive workshops to prepare and empower young leaders to be a champion of peace.

The summit aims to:

•              Encourage delegates to creatively think about practical ways to affect positive change within their communities through social projects.

•              Promote peace and non-violence as a form of effective diplomacy among emerging global leaders.

•              Encourage delegates to think about social issues that the global community faces today, and to apply critical thinking skills on solutions to these challenges.

•              Provide access to unique educational opportunities in which delegates can learn knowledge in peacebuilding.

Have a look at the 2018 Peace Summit Video:


  • 申請人的年齡應在17-35歲之間。
  • 對社會變革,全球問題和時事充滿熱情。
  • 能夠承諾並擔任人道主義事務和平大使一年。
  • 英文能力佳。
6. 活動費用USD 777.00 (需額外加7%增值稅) include:
  • 4-night stay in a twin-sharing room in a 4-star Hotel
  • Access to all plenary session and workshop discussion
  • 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 4 coffee breaks
  • Daily coach transfers to the United Nations Conference Centre
  • Certificate of Participation 

7. 本校報名時間及方式即日起至2019923()下午五點前,請將國際交流申請表(word及pdf檔;檔名:2020和平高峰會申請表-姓名)填妥後寄給課外組王小姐email:iling@mx.nthu.edu.tw,逾期恕不受理。

本案連絡人:學務處 課外組 王小姐;分機62073

