1. 社團至課外組首頁登入社團帳號密碼後進入借用系統,選擇場地借用,線上預約查詢可借用場地之時間(狀態顯示為預約)。
The student club should use its password to log in to the home page of the Division of Student Activities (DSA) website and enter the venue reservation system, then choose the desired venue and check the times when it is available (the status will be displayed as "for reservation").
2. 如同時多個社團需使用同一場地,參與社團工作會報進行場地協調。
If several clubs need to reserve a venue for the same time period, they must participate in the monthly meeting of all clubs to negotiate use of the venue.
3. 場地協調後獲得場地使用權之社團,由課外組審核通過,通過狀態為借出。
After negotiations, when one club has obtained the right to use the venue, the DSA will review and approve that decision. After its approval, the status will be displayed as "reserved."
4. 其他剩餘未借出之場地依預約先後獲得該場地之使用權。
Clubs will obtain the right of use for any remaining venues based on the order of their reservations.
5. 社團至課外組首頁借用系統列印場地借用單。
The club may then proceed to reservation system on the home page of reservation system on the DSA website and print out a Venue Reservation Form.
6. 社團借用當天攜帶場地借用單請社團輔導老師核章,再向場地管理人員借用鑰匙 (如遇假日提前一天辦理) 。
On the day for which the venue is reserved
(or on the previous day if the venue is reserved for a holiday), the club should have a DSA staff member place his or her seal on the Venue Reservation Form and then use the form to obtain the keys from the venue managers.
7. 社團於場地使用完畢後恢復場地,並於隔日上午十時前歸還鑰匙,遇假日延後一天歸還為準。
The club should restore the venue to its initial condition after use, and return the venue keys by 10 a.m. on the following day, or on the next weekday if on a weekend.